We are a small group of global climate change
activists in Santa Cruz, California USA who are working
on the threat that Global Climate Change has on our
community and throughout our planet
350 is an international organization founded by author
and activist Bill McKibben. Our goal is to reduce global
carbon dioxide levels to 350 ppm (parts per million).
As of 2013, we are over 400ppm.
Things YOU Can Do:
1) Become a vegetarian. Nearly 20% of all greenhouse
gases are emitted by livestock. Half the world’s population
are malnourished. Feed people, NOT livestock!
2) Get OUT of your gas-guzzling trucks and SUV’s.
Drive a car that gets AT LEAST 40-50 mpg. Better yet,
Drive a hybrid, an electric car, a scooter or just bicycle!
3) Support the alternative free energy economy. Install
solar and wind. Call for fuel cell, zero-point and anti-
gravity energy systems to be developed.
Santa Cruz 350:
Santa Cruz 350 Facebook Link:
Santa Cruz 350 Forum:
***E-mail: santacruzers350@gmail.com